template<typename V = Empty, typename E = Empty>
struct Grappa::Graph< V, E >
Distributed graph data structure, with customizable vertex and edge data.
This is Grappa's primary graph data structure. Graph is a symmetric data structure, so a Graph proxy object will be allocated on all cores, providing local access to common data and methods to access the entirety of the graph.
The Graph class defines two types based on the specified template parameters: Vertex and Edge. Vertex holds information about an individual vertex, such as the degree (nadj
), and the associated data whose type is specified by the V
template parameter. Edge holds the two global addresses to its source and destination vertices, as well as data associated with this edge, of the type specified by the E
A typical use of Graph will define a custom graph type, construct it, and then use the returned symmetric pointer to refer to the graph, possibly looking something like this:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // define the graph type: struct VertexData { double rank; }; struct EdgeData { double weight; }; using G = Graph<VertexData,EdgeData>;
// load tuples from a file: TupleGraph tuples = TupleGraph::Load("twitter.bintsv4", "bintsv4");
// after constructing a graph, we get a symmetric pointer back GlobalAddress<G> g = G::create(tuples);
// we can easily get info such as the number of vertices out by // using the local proxy directly through the global address: LOG(INFO) << "graph has " << g->nv << " vertices";
// or we can use the global address itself as an iterator over vertices: forall(g, [](G::Vertex& v){ });
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This Graph structure is constructed from a TupleGraph (a simple list of edge tuples – source & dest) using Graph::create().
Vertices are randomly distributed among cores (using a simple global heap allocation). Edges are placed on the core of their source vertex. Therefore, iterating over outgoing edges is very efficient, but a vertex's incoming edges must be found the hard way (in practice, we just avoid doing it entirely if using this graph structure).
Parallel Iterators
A number of parallel iterators are available for Graphs, to iterate over vertices or edges using forall
. Specialization is done based on which parameters are requested, sometimes resulting in different iteration schemes.
Full graph iteration:
using G = Graph<VertexData,EdgeData>; GlobalAddress<G> g = /* initialize graph */;
// simple iteration over vertices forall(g, [](G::Vertex& v){});
// simple iteration over vertices with index forall(g, [](VertexID i, G::Vertex& v){});
// iterate over all adjacencies of all vertices // (at the source vertex and edge, so both may be modified) forall(g, [](G::Vertex& src, G::Edge& e){ ... });
// (equivalent to) forall(g, [](G::Vertex& src){ forall(adj(g,src), [](G::Edge& adj){ ... }); });
// iterate over edges from the destination vertex, // must be non-blocking // (edge no longer modifiable, but a copy is carried along) forall(g, [](const G::Edge& e, G::Vertex& dst){ ... });
Iteration over adjacencies of single Vertex:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // usually done inside another iteration over vertices, like so: forall(g, [=](Vertex& v){
// variations exist for constructing a parallel iterator over // a vertex's outgoing edges (adjacency list, or adj
): // - from a Vertex&: adj(g,v) // - or a VertexID: adj(g, v.id)
// forall
has various specializations for adj
, including: forall<async>(adj(g,v), [&v](Edge& e){ LOG(INFO) << v.id << " -> " << e.id; }); // or this form, which provides the index within the adj list [0,v.nadj) forall<async>(adj(g,v), [&v](int64_t ei, Edge& e){ LOG(INFO) << "v.adj[" << ei << "] = " << e.id; });
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Definition at line 252 of file Graph.hpp.